Sunday, October 30, 2011
Obama administration announces desert "solar energy zones" - Hillary Fortin
These energy zones are meant to promote development in areas that do not have any cultural or environmental conflicts. They are also to make landscapes that are most sensitive in the desert “less desirable for solar prospecting.” They do this by identifying “sweet spots” that already comply with environmental requirements thus promising “expedited permitting,” says U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar. 17 solar energy zones in six Western states have been found to not have any major cultural or environmental conflicts.
Both industrial and environmental groups say there is a lot at stake with the release of this plan. For billions of dollars in subsides, solar developers need to site projects ahead of deadlines. Meanwhile, conservationists claim that the desert is not able to handle such large scale industrial change. There is also concern about the amount of money spent on these projects. According to an analysis by the Interior Department’s inspector general, these projects have consumed nearly 80% of the Recovery Acts funding that was put aside for the bureau’s entire renewable program. Renewable energy is a main concern of Obama’s energy policy, but there are areas of much concern in terms of money spent on the development of solar operations.
I think that desert areas such as Mojave are appropriate places for solar energy projects. I think it is a good way to make use of the land because of the amount of light it receives. Plus the “sweet spots” they identified have already met environmental requirements and many solar energy zones do not have any major cultural or environmental conflicts. I think this is an important aspect and that they should continue to focus on such areas. These areas can assist in Obama’s energy policy which, as stated in the article, “aims to reduce American dependence on foreign oil while developing domestic clean energy that creates jobs.” I can understand how money is a significant concern, but if they could continue to launch more projects in other areas where there are no major conflicts it could help in creating jobs and more renewable solar energy zones.,0,7889585.story
Friday, October 28, 2011
NPP Weather and Climate Satellite Launches
This is an interesting new advancement. I like the topics that combine Earth Science with Astronomy (Astronomy part being the use of rocket ships and talk of orbiting the Earth). I believe that the launching of this new satellite will be beneficial for the US and countries across the globe. The advanced microwave and infrared data reading system gives hope to all the communities that have been affected by natural disasters in recent years, such as hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, and tsunamis. We should be able to get many more people out of these areas before something devastating happens. Also, we should be able to better track the effects of Global Climate Change. One of the main things this satellite will look at is the state of the Arctic ice. This will give us a better idea of what is happening with sea levels and currents, and help plan for the future state of coastal cities.
This article relates to Earth Science in its conncetion with all spheres: the atomosphere, the hydrosphere, the geosphere, and the biosphere. Its connection wiht the atmosphere comes from NPP's direct observation of weather conditions, which occur in the troposphere (part of the atmosphere). It will tell us more detail about past, present, and future weather patterns as well as more detail for how these phenomenons work. It also connects the atmosphere to the biosphere in helping collect data of the greenhouse gas build up, which will inevitably affect life on Earth. Rising average global temperatures are starting to rapidly change naural conditions faster than humans and other life forms can adapt to. NPP also will monitor, directly, the state of the hydrosphere through ocean levels and the state of the icecaps. It will also link observations between the hydrosphere and biosphere by monitoring the spread of algal bloom in oceans and seas. Also, by monitoring the state of the Arctic ice, we can see how animals' habitats in the poles (such as polar bears) might be changing. The new satellite will give us information about the geosphere in aspects such as total land surface (which is being reduced by rising sea levels) and composition of rocks and soils being affected by temperature and humidity changes and increased acid rainfall. These topics show the connection between the geosphere with the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Lastly, we get insight into the future of life and what seems to be our main concern, human progress. The biosphere is affected by all of these things. The toxins that are building up in the air and water are affecting longevity of oraganisms living in theses heavily affected areas. Marine life is being affected by higher temperatures causing coral bleaching and deafness in some fish (such as clown fish). Land life is affected by acid rain, desertification, submerging of land surface, and increased natural disasters (as well as other factors).
Hopefully with this new data collection system, we can start to find new ways to address these issues.
Amos, Jonathan. NPP weather and climate satellite launches. BBC News. Oct. 28, 2011. Accessed from on October 28, 2011.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Global Warming 'Confirmed' by Independent Study : Response by Katie Marino
The article that I have chosen to analyze is entitled, “Global Warming ‘Confirmed’ by Independent Study”. It was written by Richard Black, the Environmental correspondent for BBC News and published on October 20, 2011. In the article, the issue of global warming and the validity of claims that climate scientists have made were raised. When the original research to support the theory of global warming was conducted, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the UEA’s Climatic Research Unit all drew similar conclusions, namely that global warming exists and is affecting the earth. Unfortunately, groups of skeptics widely criticized the accuracy of their claims and worked hard to degrade the research of “the world’s most important and established groups” (Black 2). In a fruitful attempt to restore the legitimacy of these groups and provide the world with another concrete analysis of global warming, the Berkeley Group conducted the Berkeley Earth Project to challenge the “Climategate” campaign that asserted that global warming had been exaggerated.
Founder of the group, Richard Muller Berkeley, gathered a team of 10 scientists including the year’s Nobel Physics Prize winner, Saul Perlmutter. Together, the group was able to prove that the existing data was accurate and show that their “record of global land temperature mirrors existing ones closely” (Black 3). As this was a huge triumph for the scientific community, the real issue at stake here is the idea that no matter how credible a source is, people will still try to challenge difficult results. The study concluded that the “average temperature over land has increased by 1C” since the 1950’s (Black 3). This is a stunning result that many Americans have trouble coming to terms with. What is unfortunate is that their solution is not to work to reduce the human contribution to global warming but instead, to criticize and discredit accomplished and hardworking scientists. Now that this independent study has yet again confirmed the theory of global warming I hope that former skeptics apologize for their previous allegations and care enough about the issue to ask, now what? Now that global warming is a generally accepted truth of our world, what are scientists going to do to combat this issue and what should we, as citizens of the world, do to reduce our involvement in global warming?
Before reading this article, I was unaware of the fact that the notion of global warming had been so widely challenged. I understand that there are always proponents and opponents to grand claims, but I was surprised to learn that people found ground to criticize groups like the NOAA and NASA. I support the idea of independent study and not taking things for face value, but I do believe that in some cases, when considering the source, and their intentions, claims against them are most likely unreasonable. In summation, I was pleased to learn that the reputations of the discredited scientists were restored by the work of the Berkeley Group. Unfortunately however, that means that global warming is indeed a fact of today’s society. My hope for the future is that scientists can spend less time trying to validate previous conclusions and more time combating the negative effects of global warming.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Researchers shed light on source of Earth’s water
Jenn Peone
No one has ever been able to determine conclusively how the water on earth got here.Scientists know that the early Earth was far too hot to hold water or water vapor, but then, in relatively short geological time, the oceans appeared. Now, researchers are saying that a new discovery has shed some light on the age old question. A european team reprted finding a very colld reservoir of water vapor in space that could explain earth’s water.
The region they discovered surrounds a star 175 light years away. The star is in the early stages of forming a planet or planets. Similar to how earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago. Scientists concude that the water on earth was almost certainly brought to erth by comets and asteroids known to originate in these cold but water filled zones. It is assumed that these were present when earth was forming. The observations scientists have made indicates that enough water exists in the disk of cold vapor to fill earhs oceans.
It has long been suspected that these “reservoirs” of cold water vapor existed but until now we have not found any signs of them in hotter regions closer to the sun. The theory seemed unlikely because cold asteroids and comets are formed in the outer reaches. But now we have evidence to make the theory stronger.
Also, it is likely that water has been delivered to some of the billion other planets to exist beyond our solar system, meaning there might be many other “ocean worlds” throught the galaxies.
The 10 million year old star is the closest planet forming star yet identified. Efforts to find the cold water vapor in the past all failed because the instruments were not powerful enough.around 4.1 billion years ago began a period of “heavy bombardment,” when Earth was pummeled by comets and cold meteorites — both of which carry water — from the outer reaches of its disk. some researchers hold that the water came primarily from other sources. For instance, water is believed to have been released from early volcanos that belched up molten material from deep within the planet, including H2O. Water could also leak out of certain minerals in rocks as the planet cooled.
This discovery can relate to many of the things we talk about in class. First, it can be related to the missoula flood and water on mars in terms of finding sources of water and proving an outrageous hypothesis. This story has to do with the entire earth and the way it work. How it was formed and how it can be affected in the future. Without the oceans and water on earth, there would be no life; we would not be here.
It is important to understand the way the earth was formed to understand the way it works and how it is affected by the rest of the universe. The story is definitely intriguing and I am not surprised that it has many people questioning the hypothesis. However, good points are made and no other legitimate explanations have been made to challenge the idea.
What is also another interesting topic mentioned is the discovery of the forming planet, or possible planet. Never before have we seen one so close. These observations will help us to understand our own planet due to the similarities of the formation that has taken place so far.
Warming Revives Dream of Sea Route in Russian Arctic
Jess Brennan
Every year the polar ice caps seem to be getting smaller. This past summer several ships sailed across the Arctic Ocean from one side of
Not only is this topic prevalent to Earth Science but also to businesses and the economy. It touches on global warming affecting the hydrosphere, not only the atmosphere. Because of this route more people are going to have jobs because there will be more ships going to and from the different ports around the
Friday, October 21, 2011
Dave Massaroni
According to an article written by Justin Gillis
on October 1, 2011, trees along western
Montana glow an earthy red but these trees are not supposed to turn red.
They are evergreens, falling victim to beetles that used to be controlled in
part by bitterly cold winters. As the climate warms, scientists say, that
control is no longer happening. Wildfires race across the southwest parched
landscapes this summer, burning millions of acres. In Colorado, at least 15
percent of that state’s spectacular aspen forests have gone into decline
because of a lack of water. The devastation extends worldwide. Eucalyptus trees
are succumbing on a large scale to a heat blast in Australia, and the Amazon recently
suffered two “once a century” droughts just five years apart, killing many
large trees.
have figured out that forests have been absorbing more than a quarter of the
carbon dioxide that people are putting into the air from burning fossil fuels
and other activities. It is an amount so large that trees are effectively
absorbing the emissions from all the world’s cars and trucks. Without that
disposal service, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would be rising
faster. If forests were to die on a sufficient scale, they would not only stop
absorbing carbon dioxide, they might also start to burn up or decay at such a
rate that they would spew huge amounts of the gas back into the air. That, in
turn, could speed the warming of the planet, unlocking yet more carbon stored
in once-cold places like the Arctic.
is clear that the point of no return has not been reached yet. “I think we have
a situation where both the ‘forces of growth’ and the ‘forces of death’ are
strengthening, and have been for some time,” said Oliver L. Phillips, a tropical
forest researcher with the University of Leeds in England. Many scientists say
that ensuring the health of the world’s forests requires slowing human emissions
of greenhouse gases. I do agree with Phillips in that we have not reached a
point of no return but we as humans need to protect our plant and continue regulating
the amount on carbon dioxide in put into the atmosphere. If we continue on the
path that we are on right now, this could cause major issues down the road as
to where these affects will become dramatically worse and could become a major concern
to humanity.
The increase in temperature touches on
some of the topics discussed in class. The increase in temperature due to the
lack of trees absorbing carbon dioxide affects three of the four Earth’s
spheres which are the; hydrosphere, which contains all of the planet's
solid, liquid, and gaseous water. The biosphere, which contains all of
the planet's living organisms, and atmosphere, which contains all of the
planet's air. This increase in temperature is a sign of global warming which
can cause polar ice caps to melt and increase the ocean levels drastically
enough that current coastal zones would eventually submerge, causing humans and
animals on land to retreat to land that they are not adapted to.
Article from:
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Environmentalists Alarmed by the Flaring of Natural Gas
Vincent Ricotta
According to an article written by Clifford Krauss, many oil companies are flaring, or burning, natural gas across western North Dakota. With the price of crude oil on the rise, oil companies are rapidly extracting oil to make more money, but they are treating the natural gas, which bubbles up alongside the oil, as a waste. Many oil companies find it to be more profitable to just extract the oil and flare the natural gas because it is expensive to build and maintain pipelines and processing plants to capture and sell the gas. It was stated that more than 100 million ft3 of natural gas is flared every day, which releases about 2 million tons of CO2 gas into the atmosphere every year. Since there are no federal regulations on flaring natural gas, it becomes very easy for oil companies to proceed doing so. This may be seen as a very controversial topic, which alarms many environmentalists. Even though capturing the gas is the most environmentally safe option, scientists agree that burning the gas is better for the environment than venting the gas into the environment. For instance, pure natural gas is mostly composed of methane, which is capable of trapping heat more effectively than CO2 gas. Environmentalists are worried that this technique may spread to other states. Fortunately, the EPA has begun to ask oil companies to record data on the amount of emissions from drilling, but they have yet to prohibit the oil companies from flaring the gas.
This topic correlates to many issues that were covered in class. First off, the oil companies are flaring the natural gas due to financial prosperity and lack or government control. As a result, this flaring of gas affects each of the four Earth spheres mentioned in class. As the natural gas is burned, it emits a massive amount of CO2 gas into the atmosphere, which is a greenhouse gas that leads to global warming. This increase in temperature then affects the geosphere, where temperature of Earth’s crust increases causing the hydrosphere to melt or evaporate and harsh living conditions for the biosphere. As mentioned in class, global warming can melt the polar ice caps and increase the ocean levels drastically enough that current coastal zones would eventually submerge, causing humans and animals on land to retreat to land that they are not adapted to. However, I do agree with the scientists noted in the article that flaring the gas is better than venting the gas into the atmosphere because the methane composed in natural gas has greater global warming potential than does CO2. Personally, I believe that there should be federal restrictions on the emission of CO2 with oil companies and that there should also be restrictions prohibiting oil companies from drilling oil if they cannot capture and maintain the natural gas in their oil wells (zero emissions). I mean, as much as I love my gas guzzling 10 mpg Jeep, I believe that the government should put more money towards fuel alternatives, such as, biodiesel, solar power, and especially fuel cells. All in all, if we burn less fuels rich in carbon, we can prevent the greenhouse effect and global climate change.
NOTE: Article cited from
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Is Global Warming Shrinking Species? Jeff Amorello
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Flooding in Thailand
Thailand has seen some of it’s worst flooding in fifty years during this year’s monsoon season. Although this year’s monsoon season has been usually heavy, water experts are blaming human activity for the disasters and flooding Thailand has seen so far his season. Experts are blaming the flooding on deforestation, overbuilding in tourist areas, the damming and diversion of natural waterways, increasing urbanization, and the filling-in of canals. All of these causes are human processes in one way or another and these causes, combined with poor planning, are what have triggered the worst flooding in Thailand in over a half a century. The flooding throughout Thailand has not only affected the human population but rice terraces, which are an important piece of agriculture in the region, have been destroyed by mudslides caused by the flooding and quick flowing water. Also, certain groups of elephants in the area are being threatened by the flooding as well and food for the animals is almost impossible to find and rescue teams are too busy dealing with people at this current stage to help feed and rescue elephants in the region. Experts in meteorology have blamed the flooding on bad water management as they must have miscalculated water levels and did not discharge water from the dams early enough and as they fill up now, they discharge water at the same time as it all flows down into low lying areas which is the root for the flooding. The flooding is creeping in on the city of Bangkok, which is in trouble as the canals are clogged with garbage and other debris, as the city has been experiencing overcrowding of late.
The problem that Thailand is facing now is another example of the struggle of coexistence between humans and nature. As the human population develops and prospers, integral pieces of nature are being destroyed which at the time doesn’t appear problematic, but nature is a very unique process as everything in nature is interrelated and reliant on each other. The deforestation of wooded areas for the building of cities is certainly going to have a trickle-down affect on the nature around the area as it has been destroyed or disturbed by human processes. The floods in Thailand are a perfect example of this affect and it will continue to happen as long as human advancement is a priority over nature and the natural habitat in which we operate and interact with the natural world.
All info came from:
Friday, October 14, 2011
Japanese Disaster
Japan has been faced with a major earthquake and devastating tsunami in the past year. These disasters have left much of the small island nation in shambles. As a direct result, the principal nuclear power plant in Fukushima has experienced multiple core reactor meltdowns releasing toxic radioactive into the environment. Gasses are spewed into the atmosphere; elements with long half-lives infiltrate the lithosphere; and noxious liquids permeate the ground and contaminate the hydrosphere. These all affect the biosphere in the surrounding areas. The Japanese government is conducting a research study testing for thyroid cancer (a disease directly related to radiation exposure) on 360,000 children under the age of eighteen throughout the surrounding areas.
The Prefecture of Fukushima has declared all space within a twelve mile radius of the power plant polluted and has evacuated this zone. They have been actively trying to clean up the contagions by hosing down roads and buildings and replacing topsoil. They have declared the land in direct vicinity of the nuclear reactor condemned for at least a few decades. Many residents are planning on moving away from the area permanently.
Nuclear fission reactors have been a promising source of energy for a century now. Nuclear reactors have such an enticing appeal due to the immense amount of energy produced from a divided nucleus. However, there has been proven downfalls with this method. Many researchers who worked diligently to develop practical applications for this process were plagued with radiation poisoning. A byproduct of nuclear fission is spent radioactive waste. Disposing of this waste is tricky and methods have been implemented such as sending it into outer space or burying it deep underground. The long-term effects of these practices are unknown and speculated to be unsafe. There have also been major reactor failures such as the one in Japan or The Chernobyl Power Plant accident in the USSR. These release poisonous matter that combines with the air, water, and soil and in turn infect plants, animals, and humans. Different exposure levels could be lethal or lead to genetic mutations.
This is a prime example why renewable energy sources are crucial for our environmental future. Earth systems produce natural energy that can be harnessed and stored for use by humans. An example of this would be wind that is produced by changes in air pressure. We can create windmills that use its kinetic power to spin wind turbines and in turn create electricity. Another clean energy option is hydroelectric power. Natural flowing bodies of water can be controlled by man-made dams and spin turbines similar to wind.
This should be taken as yet another warning that we need to change our conduct as a species so that we do not compromise the health of our future generations. We need to utilize improved energy techniques to maintain a sterile environment in which we and other species call home.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
US food supply threatened: Foreign insects, diseases got into US post 9/11
It does not take a genius to realize that food is important. For the past few years we have seen that crops have been failing across the country. I went to the grocery store a couple weeks ago to buy a can of pumpkin to make pumpkin bread and the woman working there told me there is a pumpkin shortage this year. Is it because of the insects? I don't know. But what I do know is that the addition of failing crops and insect infestation doesn't equal anything good. What makes matters worse is that insects are not the only pests being carried into the United States from overseas, but also plant diseases and contagions. Florida's citrus groves were destroyed by plant disease which resulted in the area being quarantined.
Environmentally and politically speaking, the cost of these infestations is enormous. Pesticides are the most common agents used to attack insects on crops. In 2008, California's Monterey Bay was covered in 1,600 pounds of pesticides designed to kill off the light brown apple moth from New Zealand. Unfortunately, 100 million dollars later, all these pesticides succeeded in doing was kill birds and cause respiratory problems to humans.
There is not one answer to this problem. Yes, inspections will start again and less insects and contagions will make it across the border, solving that problem, but what will be done to rid the crops of the already present foreigners? Perhaps more pesticides? And when those pesticides are released what will the affect be on the wildlife in that area? How will the pesticides affect the human population eating the crops that are treated? It's a domino effect, making the problem much more terrorizing then it may seem.
Jessica Burke
Cone, Tracie. "US food supply threatened: Foreign insects, diseases got into US post 9/11." msnbc. Associated Press. 10/10/2011. Web. 11 Oct 2011. < >.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Scientists report ozone hole over the Arctic for the first time
Each year, during the winter months, ozone is lost above the Arctic and the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole subsists. This phenomenon is attributed to cold temperatures and ozone depleting pollutants that fester in the atmosphere. The polar vortex or “atmospheric circulation pattern created by the rotation of the Earth and by cold temperatures” generates chemical reactions that change non-reactive/less reactive chemicals into those that destroy ozone (O3) molecules. Although ozone is considered a pollutant near the Earth’s surface, within the stratosphere, however, ozone shields the planet from harmful UV rays that can cause health problems to humans, such as skin cancer.
Nearly 80 percent of the ozone that was present in January was destroyed by late March around altitudes of 18-20 kilometers. This destruction of ozone was due to the longest lasting polar vortex ever recorded over the Arctic; it resided in the stratosphere from December till the end of March. Global warming, as a result, becomes the primary culprit for the loss of Arctic ozone. When greenhouse gasses, carbon dioxide, become trapped in the lower atmosphere, it heats up the atmosphere near the ground while cooling the stratosphere above. These conditions alone induce reactive chemicals in the atmosphere to break down ozone. The lack of O3 has become a primary concern worldwide. Companies have ended production of substances that generate destruction of ozone through the Montreal Protocol. This agreement aims to assist in O3 protection, while looking to alleviate the Green House Effect.
The implications of increased amounts of green house gasses on Earth can have pronounced effects on each of its spheres. Molecules within the atmosphere allow carbon dioxide to be absorbed and spun in such a way that heats the surface of the Earth (geosphere). A warmer geosphere influences the hydrosphere of the Arctic in such a way that the polar ice caps begin to melt. As we have previously talked about in class, polar ice caps that melt lead to higher water levels. If the volume of the ocean begins to increase, land masses that boarder the ocean now could potentially be under water. Humans and animals alike, biosphere, would have to relocate. Some species of animals may not be capable of relocating and would, in the most extreme case, face extinction. Humans themselves run the risk of many social issues. Those who used to live in the city may be forced to seek a new home in the country. A new lifestyle would inevitably need to be adapted.