Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Global Climate Change Strikes Again!!

The newest global assessment on biodiversity has ruled that an additional 11 species are fully extinct or extinct outside of captivity. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) updated its Red List of Threatened Species, considered the authority on the status of the world's species, to an all-time high of 17,291 species threatened with extinction. The assessments results show that 37% of freshwater fish, 35% of invertebrates, 30% of amphibians and 28% of reptiles are threatened. This is horrible for biodiversity, because it displays the horrible effects of Global Climate Change. As climate change, invasive species, and habitat destruction place greater pressure on wildlife, more species are disappearing at rates faster than conservationists can react to ensure the species' survival. This means that countless more species will meet their demise unless we work harder to combat climate change.

1 comment:

dylanrieger said...

I think those are startling numbers on extinction. Because of our actions on earth we are literally going to wipe put a third of the species on earth. I don't think we can just sit back and let this happen. Although we are inevatibaly going to lose some species we need to do our best to save some.
There are many ways we can help slow down the climate change on Earth. i think there needs to be a global recycling program. This way we can re-use items instead of making new products. By just re-using objects we don't need to harm the atmosphere while making the items new.
Also i think the next important step would be to find a safer way to get energy then oil. Instead of burning fossil foils, we need something that will burn clean. Probabaly the development of hybrid cars will fill that gap. The problem with hybrid cars now is how expensive it costs to buy one. Also a lot of people are turned off by their appearence. Once a hybrid car can cost and look like an average car today, people will begin to buy them