Sunday, November 28, 2010

Biodiversity At Risk by Olivia Raymond

In an article from the website Science Daily "Extinctions Expected to Increase Strongly Over the Century" biodiversity is at an all time risk. Life scientists are predicting that within the 21st-century the global decline in biodiversity is growing strong. There is a huge threat of extinctions, decline in abundance of species, and overall species distribution. Predicting future trends of biodiversity was considered to be too complex but life science specialists are now able to using the same methods as Climatologists. These predictions are not completely certain but if human and economic conditions do not change the possibility is greater. What is the major cause for this threat to our biodiversity? Simply answered it’s us, humans. Activities such as urbanization, air and water pollution and the abuse of our natural resources have negatively impacted the habitats of many species. The homes of animals and plants are being destroyed because humans are cutting down forests to make way for housing and industrial buildings, over fishing, and causing climate change through the pollution of air with green house gasses. Scientists say if we continue with these bad habits and processes the overall abundance of terrestrial species could diminish from 10 to 20% during the first half of the century. There are ways we can help save our plants and animals from a grim future. We can do so by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, stopping large-scale deforestation, create more animal reserves, enforce fishing regulations, and being more efficient in agriculture. Having biodiversity is important because it allows for variation between species and habitats as well as more resources. Without it there would be a disturbance in the synergy of our ecosystem. This topic relates to our class because Earth Science deals with understanding earth systems and processes and how humans impact those systems. Our plants and animals are at risk of extinction because of human’s ignorant behavior. Everyone has a responsibility to take care of our Earth and the future of all its inhabitants. We have to change our bad habits and begin to work for the better of our environment. The predictions made by the scientist’s show that the future abundance of our animals and their overall distribution are at great risk and the direct cause is poor human behavior. We can no longer continue our destructive habits. We have to begin to work to protect our resources and all Earth’s inhabitants.

"Extinctions Expected to Increase Strongly over the Century." Science Daily: News & Articles in Science, Health, Environment & Technology. Web. 28 Nov. 2010. .

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