Sunday, December 13, 2009

No Slowdown of Global Warming, Agency Says: Response

After reading the article, "No Slowdown of Global Warming, Agency Says," there were many points that I have to agree with that Francesca stated. The years 2000-2009 have been signoficantly warmer than the 1990's, which could draw much attention from the science world. Global Warming is always a topic that draws lots of opinions, and this article is a prime example. Like Francesca said, the main objective of this article is to inform the reader about a thirteen page document. Danish officials claim that it is not a new agreement, and that it was geared more towards a topic of discussion. Other countries such as Brazil, China, India, and South Africa rejected outside auditing of projects in order to reduce emissions financed through themselves. Another big point was brought up in this article; it was the argument that President Obama is willing to spend trillions of dollars in order to bail out big companies, and help save Wall Street, but he does not seem to show as much concern for the youth of undeveloped countries who are living their lives on a day to day basis. As a response to this argument, a way to set a federal limit on emissions of carbon dioxide is being divised. As of recent it was stated that President Obama promises to make a 17 percent cut of emissions. The idea of a federal limit is going to be very difficult to achieve, but I think that it is a must do. We should be devising a new plan that would greatly limit the amount of emissions that are being released, while still being able to help those in need. This article makes some key points that need to be recognized by the public, and hopefully now something will be done to change our current situation.

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